Showing posts with label MMA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MMA. Show all posts

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Welcome to Gilbert, Martial Arts Capital of Arizona

Welcome to Gilbert - once, the martial arts capital of Arizona, located in notorious Maricopa County where treasonous political officials stole the 2020 and 2022 elections. Prior to the plandemic, Gilbert, had many martial arts schools including one hombu. There were so many schools (dojo) almost one was found on nearly every corner strip mall. 

Because of the  plandemic, this is no longer so. Beginning in 2020, martial arts schools closed one after another due to the worst economy since the great depression. Unfortunately, the Hombu closed its doors on March 1, 2021 due to a loss of 50% membership in the Phoenix valley, and many large gyms suffered devastating losses. For instance, Gilbert Lifetime Fitness reported a loss 8,000+ members!  Few dared to wander far from home. This was compounded by riots in democrat-controlled cities in the US, the suspension of Constitutional rights in many states, and a pathetic rise is gasoline prices, that was just two years ago, was sufficient with known resources available for 500 years, minimum. And as any good geoscientist knows: with exploration, new deposits are found and resources would easily increase through time. Along with a plandemic, questionable elections there followed by absurd claims about climate change, a natural phenomenon that is part of our world and universe, and geological evidence provides examples of change on earth over the past 4.5 billion years, and likely throughout the universe for the past 13.8 billion years. It is an extremely complex event affected by dozens of phenomena - and many that remain undiscovered. There is little question the earth is warming slowly (there are no boiling oceans), but what is the real cause? Paying more taxes will do nothing other than make politicians richer.

Although the town was filled with sport martial arts schools, a few traditional dojo existed. Traditional schools do not take part in completion, but instead focus on historical and philosophical education in the 'way' of martial arts - known as budo and bujutsu.

The 2010 census reports Gilbert has a population of 208,453 (wikipedia). That's nearly half the population of Wyoming. Gilbert has public and private schools, churches, gymnasiums and a Community College - some which periodically include martial arts programs. There is also Freestone Community Center, McQueen Park and Gilbert Community Center. 

Some martial arts groups train at various gymnasiums, but essentially all of these closed.

To the novice, all martial arts may seem similar - but to the initiated, there are important differences. For example, we came across a discussion on the differences between traditional and sport karate that we recommend to read, as it should help decide if you want to learn traditional martial arts for self-defense, or train for trophies. Another site, an extensive blog, gives a lot of insight on choosing a martial arts school and instructor.

Things a martial artist needs to be aware of is State Laws on martial arts, such as deadly force. Then there is hand registration. Do you have to have your hands registered at the police department, etc? Of course not - but at one time, it was a common rumor passed around bars and schools.

Most traditional martial arts are taught by well-trained and certified martial artists, as are many sport martial arts. But, MMA and McDojo groups have questionable martial arts instructors and it is recommended that you check the background of the dojo and instructor by searching the internet and talking with people in the schools. It only takes a few minutes, and it may save you a lot of money and grief in the long run.

Schools, gyms and even churches that employ or rent time to a martial arts group should also be checked. Just because a martial arts instructor attends church doesn't mean that he doesn't have something to hide.

The City of Gilbert doesn't allow martial arts groups to rent and train in industrial buildings or centers. This is sad as most traditional martial artists do not offer contracts and do not teach kids making it difficult to pay rent. So, why don't they just start teaching kids? It has always been traditional to only teach martial arts to those 16 years old and older - kids are fragile and have growth platelets which can be damaged particularly in the throwing arts such as judo, jujutsu and aikido.

Sport martial arts and McDojos are primarily interested in contracts and look to sign a person to a 1 or 2 year contract - some even offer lifetime memberships. But remember, there is little to protect you from the school closing or relocating and sending out bill collectors to acquire the remaining contract even though the school may no longer exist, or may have moved to Las Vegas - read your contract!

Just watch the martial arts schools down the block from your home. Most have a lifetime expectancy of 3 years - this is because most lease agreements are 3-years. At the end of the 3-years, few survive (probably less than 20% survive) and move on. This is also true of gyms. A gym can move, or the martial arts class in the gym could move as most of these pay month to month rent.

Gilbert Arizona requires martial arts schools to lease commercial buildings rather than industrial buildings, which can be 2 to 4 times greater in rent thus making it almost impossible for any martial arts group to survive. But this is not the same for a gymnasium! But, "Dojo" is a Japanese word that translates as "GYM". Yet, the Gilbert city government doesn't regulate basketball or volleyball gyms to commercial buildings. So, why should it require karate or jujutsu gyms to pay high rent? Ask you representative as to why they are over-regulating the martial arts industry in Gilbert and in the state? Give them a call.